Watford Borough Council Public Art Strategy

Neighbourhood Exchanges - Consultation & Strategy



Watford Borough Council

Public Art Strategy, Public Art Commissioning Toolkit and Existing Public Art Audit

Watford, Hertfordshire

Public Art Conversations

We have been commissioned by Watford Borough Council to produce a public art strategy for the next ten years for the town. We have spoken with local residents, stakeholders and the council about public art and listened to their thoughts and aspirations for public art in Watford.

A Community Steering Group advised us on the development a series of neighbourhood exchanges held across Watford that have informed and assisted in developing the Strategy. Our approach is that - ‘you are the experts on your town and you are the public in public art!’

We believe that public art has no fixed definition or form, it can be temporary, permanent, or time-limited; it can be a performance, a sculpture, a thing to experience, listen to or participate in. It could be in the streets, parks, along the river, in the hospital, public buildings - anywhere that is public space. The process of creating it can be collaborative, co-produced or co-curated or not. It can create connections between people, places and ideas. Or it can be one artist’s response to a site, its context or a particular issue. Most importantly, we believe public art should be open, accessible, equitable and for everyone - but we wanted to ask the residents of Watford what they think.

To assist anyone commissioning public art we have produced a Commissioning Toolkit to support the Strategy. To understand more about the existing artworks in Watford, and to promote these, we have also produced a Public Art Audit.

Public art that reflects who we are as a town can add enormous value to Watford. It can help build community pride and a sense of identity and belonging. Public art can transform public spaces and boosting economic vitality.
— Cllr Aga Dychton

Neighbourhood Exchanges & Conversations

We have been delivering a series of artist-led creative events in neighbourhoods across the borough to bring local people together for a creative activity and to talk about public art. These events were drop-in and free, refreshments were provided. With no age restrictions, everyone was welcome.

Workshops were held at Leavesden Green Community Hub; and in December at Holywell Community Centre; Multi Cultural Community Centre; Meriden Community Centre and North Watford Library - thank you to all of these venues for hosting us and the participants who joined us.

Thank you also to the artists: Fiona Grady; Hayley Harrison; Victoria Culf; and Abigail Hunt.

We attended meetings / events with special interest groups for more focussed conversations about public art.

Thank you to everyone who spared their time to meet and generously shared their thoughts with us. We hope that we have been able to capture your enthusiasm, ambition and desire to be included in the creation of public art into a strategy that reflects this, and that you will recognise.

We were supported by two young creatives, Khizra Ahmed and Yousra Houmid El Amrani, as part of a work placement to deliver the creative events.

All of the conversations held have been collated and documented and informed the drafting of the Strategy. The draft documents, the Strategy, Toolkit and Public Art Audit are now with the council for their comment and it is anticipated that they will be signed off in the New Year and published in Spring 2025.

We know that to be successful, the public art strategy has to reflect our diversity, unique character and personality. It is so important that the voice, views and ideas of Watford’s communities are heard and help steer and advise on the strategy.
— Cllr Aga Dychton

Watford Borough Council’s 10-year Public Art Strategy

Watford Borough Council is committed to ensuring new development will enhance the quality of life for both new and existing residents. The Council’s cultural ambitions and priorities for its communities are set out in its Local Plan and Cultural Strategy. But the aim of the Public Art Strategy will be to inspire and support the commissioning of public art.

The Public Art Strategy will sit alongside several other documents, such as the Outdoor Events Strategy and initiatives including the emerging Town Centre Development Framework. The Public Art Strategy will help commissioners understand the ways in which artists, planners, enablers, investors, residents and others can work together. It will be delivered through partnerships, including discussions with developers, charities, arts and cultural organisations, local businesses, Business Improvement District, the council, artists, makers and craftspeople, working with residents of the city.

Bridget Sawyers Limited worked with consultants Kathryn Standing and Sally Williams on the project. Illustrations have been produced by Eleanor Hill.

Bridget Sawyers